We want you to be happy with the service you receive. 

Whilst we cannot guarantee a constant supply of electricity, we will always get your power restored as quickly as we can. The Guaranteed Standards of Performance set out how quickly we must restore power following an interruption in supply. For example, if your electricity supply fails because of a problem in our network during normal weather conditions, we must restore it within 12 hours of first becoming aware of the problem. Other standards apply in more extreme weather events or circumstances.

If we fail to meet these Guaranteed Standards, we are required to pay our customer's compensation. The Guaranteed Standards specify exactly who is entitled to receive compensation and how much this compensation will be. 

This information is documented in the summary documents at the bottom of this page.


Similarly, if you come to us seeking a connection to our network, our key connection services are subject to The Connection Guaranteed Standards of Performance. These set out the level of service you can expect and, where we are unable to achieve these standards, the compensation that you are entitled to.  Again, the details are included in the summary documents at the bottom of this page. 

Measuring our customers' satisfaction

As a responsible Network Operator, we are always striving to provide our customers with the best level of service. Our performance is closely monitored each month by Ofgem through the “Broad Measure of Customer Satisfaction” survey.

These surveys are carried out by an independent research company on behalf of Ofgem for all the 14 Distribution Network Operators. Every customer who has had a power supply interruption (either Planned or Unplanned), applied for a new connection or made contact regarding a general enquiry is submitted to the research company and a selection of these customers are chosen at random to be surveyed (except where the customer has asked not to be contacted). Scores given are based on a 1-10 scale.

Summary documents