In 2023/24, we contracted 706 MW of Flexibility Services: dispatched 554 MWh and spent £275k.

If you own, operate, manage or supply generation, storage or demand assets over 10kW in any of the advertised zones you may be able to provide flexibility services.


How to Take Part in Flexibility

The first time you participate there are several steps that you need to take.

Register: Completed once 

Pre-Qualification: Completed once per region and each time a new service becomes available

Mini-competition: Completed for each Overarching Agreement Awarded

Asset Registration: Complete once, can be updated at any time if new assets are available

Bidding: Expect a minimum of two long-term bidding windows a year. Multiple bidding rounds can occur under each Overarching Agreement

Onboarding: Completed once


Procurement Information

Stay updated on our latest bidding rounds. Providers with signed agreements by specific dates receive additional bidding opportunities.

Procurement Deadlines

The first time you participate in a tender, there are several steps that you need to take before onboarding:


Participating in Flexibility with SSEN

SSEN has long served diverse geographic areas, and this experience means we’ve always innovated when it comes to managing the supply and demand of electricity.

Our target is to have 5GW of Flexibility Services contracted by 2028 across our licence areas. In 24/25 we have identified a minimum of 256 MW we intend to procure in our May and August bidding rounds alone.

To maximise market participation, we have done the following over the past year:

- Reduced minimum DER (Distributed Energy Resources​) size to 10 kW
- Trialed Guaranteed revenue for some Variable Availability services
- Improved Bid Pricing Form
- Implemented Overarching Agreements

We continue to seek feedback from all stakeholders on areas that work well and those where further improvements could help to drive increased engagement and participation from both existing and potential future providers of flexibility services.

Need further assistance?

Feel free to email our team for further assistance with the button below:

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