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Guidance Notes

For all metered and generation connection applications (excluding budget and feasibility study requests), where an applicant is not the landowner or occupier, we require a letter of authority to be submitted at the application stage.

What is a Letter of Authority?

This is a letter from the landowner, tenant or occupier giving permission to the person, company or other third party applying for a connection offer on their land the legal right to act on their behalf.

The letter of authority will specify precisely what the third party is entitled to do, such as act as the commercial contact for all matters related to the connection.

Please click here for further information on Contracted Parties

Contracted Parties 

When do we require a Letter of Authority?

The letter of authority will form part of the application process and should be provided upfront as an email attachment, with your application form.

Why do we require a Letter of Authority?

The Connection Offer/Agreement is with the Connecting Customer. If we are taking instructions from a third party, we need to know that the Connecting Customer has authorised them to instruct us.

Who should the Letter of Authority be from?

The landowner, tenant or occupier.

What must be included in a Letter of Authority?

At the bottom of this page are two letter of authority templates which can be downloaded for use. One is where the landowner/tenant/occupier is a person and the other is for use where the landowner/tenant/occupier is a company. If you are using the Company template please use company headed paper. Where you do not wish to use one of these templates, the letter should clearly provide the following information.

Details required in a letter of authority:

  • Full address of landowner/tenant/occupier (on letter head if appropriate)
  • Full name of landowner/tenant/occupier
  • A sentence confirming who is being given authority to act
  • Signature of landowner/tenant/occupier
  • Date of signature
  • Full name or company name of person/company being given authority to act on the landowner/tenant/occupier’s behalf

Please note that if the required information is not provided or is unclear, then we reserve the right to request further information, which could cause delays to your connection offer.

Are there exceptions to the requirement to provide a Letter of Authority at application?

The following metered connection application types are currently exempt from this requirement.

  • Provision of a quotation for a single LV single phase connection
  • Provision of a quotation for small LV projects:
    • 2-4 LV single phase domestic services or
    • connections of 1-4 LV single phase domestic premises involving an extension to the LV network or
    • a single two or three phase whole current metered connection (not requiring an extension to the LV network
  • Applications from IDNOs

If additional works are required, we reserve the right to request a letter of authority.

Letter of Authority Templates

Once you have downloaded and completed your template please send it to us by emailing