Self quote for unmetered connection services

You can apply online by using our online self quoting facility, this is for unmetered asset owners such as Local Authorities, PFIs and Parish Councils for standard highway works.
Apply now

What is an unmetered supply? 

An unmetered supply is provided where we are unable to install a meter and/or where we can’t justify the cost of installing a meter because of the small amount of electricity used by a specific piece of equipment. 

Before you apply

A few things to consider before you submit your unmetered application: 
If you are moving existing equipment, ensure you have permission from the asset owner and the landowner or highway authority. 
Where existing highway equipment is being transferred or disconnected, please ensure you provided us with a Letter of Authority (LOA) from the asset owner. 
For any new equipment or equipment that is being upgraded, please ensure you have been provided with the Elexon Charge Code and Switch Regime information from your equipment provider/manufacturer.  
If you plan to install a newly designed piece of unmetered equipment that has not been issued with an Elexon Charge Code.

Information we require

  • Site plan showing the location of the works required - we need to know how many services are being altered or how many new services are being added and this needs to be shown on the plan.
  • Plan showing the point of supply
  • Contracted party information
  • The applicant's details

Did you know you have a choice? 

An Independent Connection Provider (ICP) can carry out this connection for you. 
You have a choice. You can choose who you would like to carry out your unmetered connection. Find out more about your options, independent connection providers and how to find them in your area. 

Reconnecting Unmetered Supplies (ex. Critical Telecoms Assets) 

If your street furniture assets are damaged or knocked-down, please read our Unmetered Reconnection Guide to understand the process for getting reconnected. This process excludes the fast track process for critical telecoms assets

Fast Track Reconnection Guide for Critical Telecoms Assets

Fast Track re-connection guide for critical telecoms assets. If your street furniture containing ‘metered or 'unmetered' critical telecommunications assets (broadband providers only) are damaged or knocked down, please read our Fast Track Reconnection Guide to understand the fast-track process for getting re-connected in a timely manner. This process is for critical telecoms assets only.

Terms and Conditions

Our Standard Terms for the connection of unmetered installations are available from the Company by written request or email
Our Terms & Conditions form part of our Unmetered Connection Agreement. Subject to the express provisions of the Agreement, Section 4 of the National Terms of Connection will apply. 
The National Terms of Connection are available from the website at

G39 Authorisation – SSEN Statement

This statement describes our application of ENA Engineering Recommendation (EREC) G39 'Model code of practice covering electrical safety in the planning, installation, commissioning and maintenance of public lighting and other street furniture'.

Download and read our G39 Authorisation statement.


Refunds are usually issued in two scenarios:

  • When a project is canceled by a customer post acceptance of the Connection Offer. 
  • When a new connection has been completed and the project is underspent, a partial refund may be due to the customer. 

Click here to view our refund policy. 


We also have a YouTube channel where we post useful videos on processes as well as our recorded webinars.

Competition in connections

Competing providers are naturally driven to deliver a better service.

We continue to work with Ofgem, ICPs and IDNOs to identify and implement further scope of works that can be opened up to competition.

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