Useful links

Each Distribution Network Operator (DNO) will host a register which will provide accessible information at a local and national level. The register uses a format agreed through the Energy Networks Association’s Open Networks project, an industry initiative aimed at transforming the operation of energy networks and delivering a smart grid.

Our register provides information on generation and storage resources (≥1MW) that are connected, or accepted to connect, to the electricity distribution networks owned and operated by us and it will be updated on a monthly basis. The register also includes information on the flexibility services that are being provided by connected resources, assisting to control or schedule demand and/or generation to reduce network constraints. As of July 2020, the register has been updated to include additional data fields and information including the network reinforcement needed to provide connections.


Use of the Register

This register aims to allow customers and stakeholders to better understand the opportunities and constraints in the network, to improve and inform their decisions and allow further innovative and solutions to be provided, to help us manage the network. In using this register, users accept and understand that:

  • They should make their own detailed investigations as to the reliability and suitability of the content of the register for any specific use to which the user intends to put it.  Information is provided for general use and as a guide only.
  • The format of the register has been agreed through a joint industry initiative and so each DNO’s register will look similar, however, content and definition of data fields may vary in each DNO’s register, reflecting differences in local networks and data collection methodologies.
  • For more information as to the assumptions underlying SSEN’s data fields, users should refer to the ECR User Guide.


Legal Disclaimer

The material contained in this register is provided for general guidance purposes only. SSE Networks tries to ensure that the content of this register is accurate, up-to-date and obtained from reliable sources, but there may be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in information contained in this site and the information may change over time.

All information in this register is provided “as is”. SSE Networks gives no guarantee of the completeness, accuracy, suitability or currentness of the information in this register and makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy of information hosted in this register or its fitness for a particular purpose.

The SSE Networks companies do not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information or any results obtained from the use of the information.  The SSE Networks companies are not liable to you, or anyone else, for any decision made or action taken or not taken in reliance on the information on this register, including without limitation for any cost, loss or damage whatsoever, indirect, special or consequential loss or damage, or loss of business or profits, or similar loss or damage, even if advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.


For any queries on the Embedded Capacity Register, please refer to the Introduction page of the ECR for contact details.

Download the Embedded Capacity Register

Last updated: 14/09/2023